Why SRM “regeneration + generation” system is chosen?

– The 3 figures-

Benefits of SRM “regeneration + generation” system

With the power generation control added to the SR motor capabilities, our motor achieves the following;

Major usage/development cases


(54) Motor and Motor Control Method
(71) Applicant: LEAGIC CORPORATION, Chiba (JP)
(72) Inventor: Toshimi MATSUNOBU, Chiba (JP)
(73) Assignee: LEAGIC CORPORATION, Chiba (JP)
(21) Appl. No.: 15/514,684
(22) PCT Filed: Oct 1, 2015
(86) PCT No. PCT/JP2015/077903
(2) Date:Mar. 27, 2017
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
Oct. 21, 2014 (JP) …2014-214134


uspatent image

Publication Classification

(51) Int. CL.
H02P 25/08 (2006.01)
H02P 3/06 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl.
CPC…H02P 25/08 (2013.01); H02P 3/065 (2013.01)

(57) Abstract

A motor and a control method for making the generation and regeneration efficiency higher than before are provided. A motor including a rotor, a storage battery and a capacitor (a source) is provided to change a produced electrical energy, a SR motor portion rotates the rotor by magnetic force produced with a current supplied by the source and generates by converting rotational energy of the rotor into electrical energy, current sensors measure the currents supplied to excitation coils, and a semiconductor switching control circuit for driving and generation to maintain the rotation by increasing the current with supply of electrical energy from the source to the excitation coils if the currents measured by the current sensors fall below a predetermined lower limit for making the rotor rotate due to the charging.